SK ecoplant is promoting ESG management to satisfy the requirements of all its stakeholders and to create a sustainable future. We are also resolving current environmental and social issues based on ESG management, thereby creating both Economic Value (EV) and Social Value (SV). SK ecoplant is growing as a global provider of environmental and energy solutions based on its innovative business model, ESG management activities, and the prowess it has accumulated in the construction business to date. During this process, we aim to practice “Driving to Zero” by achieving “zero risks” in five key areas and internalizing ten ESG business principles that reflect ESG values company-wide.
SK ecoplant integrated the scattered ESG-related organizational functions into the ESG Center to promote systematic ESG management. The ESG Center performs major duties related to ESG management including safety and health, quality, environment, ethical management and compliance, and social contribution as an organization under the direct control of the CEO. Also, the Center regularly reports business plans and performance to the ESG Committee under the Board of Directors. The BOD and ESG Committee effectively enhance the ESG management and strengthen responsible management of BOD through reviewing SK ecoplant’s ESG management plans and status and making relevant decisions.