ESG Strategy

ESG Management System

SK ecoplant is promoting ESG management to satisfy the requirements of all its stakeholders and to create a sustainable future. We are also resolving current environmental and social issues based on ESG management, thereby creating both Economic Value (EV) and Social Value (SV). SK ecoplant is growing as a global provider of environmental and energy solutions based on its innovative business model, ESG management activities, and the prowess it has accumulated in the construction business to date. During this process, we aim to practice “Driving to Zero” by achieving “zero risks” in five key areas and internalizing ten ESG business principles that reflect ESG values company-wide.

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ESG Vision

지속가능한 미래를 만들어가는 행복 공동체

ESG Slogan

Driving to ZERO


  • Compliance - ZERO Compliance Breach
  • 인권 - ZERO Human Rights Violation
  • 안전보건 - ZERO Worksite Accidents ZERO Human Health Risk
  • 환경 - ZERO Environmental Incidents Circular Economy Net zero
  • 품질 - ZERO Defects

SK ecoplant ESG Business Principles

On July 18, 2022, SK ecoplant declared its ESG business principles and its code of conduct with the aim of becoming a trusted global company through ESG management.
  • 01

    Establish sound governance.

  • 02

    Pursue Happy Business Management with all stakeholders.

  • 03

    Comply with law and ethics.

  • 04

    Do not compromise with corruption.

  • 05

    Respect human rights.

  • 06

    Lead a safety culture.

  • 07

    Provide the best quality.

  • 08

    Solve environmental problems through eco-friendly management activities.

  • 09

    Aim towards a low-carbon future.

  • 10

    Fulfill environmental and social responsibilities for the local community and future generations.

ESG Management Organization

SK ecoplant integrated the scattered ESG-related organizational functions into the ESG Center to promote systematic ESG management. The ESG Center performs major duties related to ESG management including safety and health, quality, environment, ethical management and compliance, and social contribution as an organization under the direct control of the CEO. Also, the Center regularly reports business plans and performance to the ESG Committee under the Board of Directors. The BOD and ESG Committee effectively enhance the ESG management and strengthen responsible management of BOD through reviewing SK ecoplant’s ESG management plans and status and making relevant decisions.

이사회, ESG위원회, 의사결정/보고, ESG센터 및 현업부서

Creating Social Values

SK ecoplant is enhancing its ESG management based on the SK Group’s principle of “double bottom line” (DBL) management, whereby both economic and social values are pursued. Social value refers to the sum of the values created by SK ecoplant when solving social issues through its businesses. According to the DBL principle, “If it cannot be measured, it cannot be managed,” SK ecoplant measures its social impact by converting it into a comparable monetary value and then transparently discloses the results. We aim to reinvent our business model so as to increase our positive impact while reducing our negative impact based on quantified social values.

ESG Reporting SK ecoplant 2022 Sustainability Report