SK ecoplant, together with our business in the fields of solar and wind power project development and execution, has invested in TopSun, a solar solutions expert, and Encored, an IoT/Big Data developer in renewable energy, to establish a full supply value chain providing the best renewable energy solutions needed by the market. It has become our foundation for fast growth and expansion in the business.
In Vietnam, we are actively developing rooftop-solar, utility-scale floating solar and onshore wind projects for the supply of carbon credits, and will continue to expand our carbon reduction projects across South-East Asia.
In China, we have achieved successfully installation of a rooftop-solar power generation system at SKIET’s Changzhou Plant, thus significantly advancing our efforts to meet the RE100 target. Furthermore, in response to the growing demand for renewable energy and RE100 initiative in the US, we are operating a gigantic solar power generation project in Texas.
In response to the market’s growing interest in the hydrogen economy, we are cooperating with our global partners to enter the African market, where there is great potential for green hydrogen.
We are strengthening the entire value chain of our renewable energy business and providing stable support for our customers' RE100 implementation through synergies with our affiliated companies.