SK ecoplant ensures fairness and transparency in the performance of its duties by operating an ethical management system consisting of three elements: Code, Compliance, and Consensus. As an ethical management executive body, the Ethical Management Division carries out various activities aimed at establishing ethical management within SK ecoplant’s organizational culture and periodically reports the results of these activities to the Audit Committee.
SK ecoplant has enacted the Code of Ethics and the Code of Conduct to serve as the behavioral standards of the ethical management system. The Code of Ethics sets forth the attitude, roles, and responsibilities to which SK ecoplant must adhere with regard to all its employees including temporary workers and part-time workers, as well as its customers, business partners, shareholders, and wider society. It also includes detailed information on the practice system for ethical management, such as organizational composition, counseling and reporting, and training for practicing ethical management.
The Code of Ethics applies to all our domestic and overseas branches and subsidiaries. We are encouraging all stakeholders engaged in business relations with our company to comply with this code. Furthermore, we have defined specific details for each individual ethical principle through the code of conduct for ethical management so as to present our employees and stakeholders with a clear standard for making a proper decision in the event of a situation involving an ethical conflict.

윤리경영 시스템 3요소에 관한 이미지 입니다. 자세한 설명은 하단 내용을 참고하세요.
윤리경영 시스템 3요소 - 3C
  • 행동기준 Code
  • 제도 Compliance
  • 공감대 Consensus
  • 행동기준 Code

    기업윤리 기준으로 이해관계자에 대한 책임을 규정하는 것이며 구체적이고, 성문화된 구성원의 행동지침 (윤리규범, 실전지침 등)

  • 제도 Compliance

    윤리경영을 실천하기 위한 조직과 각종 제도 (윤리경영 전담조직, 상담·제보 처리기능, 윤리감사 등)

  • 공감대 Consensus

    기업윤리 기준으로 이해관계자에 대한 책임을 규정하는 것이며 구체적이고, 성문화된 구성원의 행동지침 (윤리규범, 실전지침 등)

윤리규정에 관한 이미지 입니다. 자세한 설명은 하단 내용을 참고하세요.


  • 이해관계자별 윤리경영 기본원칙과 회사와 구성원의 행동원칙 - 구성원, 고객, 주주, 비즈니스파트너, 사회
  • 윤리경영 실천체계 - 조직, 상담·제보채널, 제보자 보호 등
  • 윤리경영 실천규칙 - 구성원의 행동지침 - 회사가 금지하는 비윤리행위정의 (금품수수 등)
  • Biz. Partner 행동규칙 - Biz. Partner의 행동지침 - 윤리경영준수를 위한 행동 요구사항
  • 윤리경영 실천가이드 - 세부행동지침, 추가 해석이 필요한 사항
  • Biz. Partner ESG 평가


Year Month Consensus
2021 August Revision of the Code of Ethics and enactment of new ethical management practice rules and business partners’ rules of conduct
June The Conduct of Ethical Pledge signed by all Employees ZOOM
2021. 06.

The Conduct of Ethical Pledge signed by all Employees

The Conduct of Ethics Management Workshop
The Conduct of Ethics Training Program for all Employees by Online ZOOM
2021. 06.

The Conduct of Ethics Training Program for all Employees by Online

March Education on Code of Ethics and audit cases for Site Staff
Issuance of letter for ethical management practice ZOOM
2021. 03.

Issuance of letter for ethical management practice

February Amendment of Code of Ethics and Informant Protection Regulation
January Notice of compliance with Code of Ethics for the lunar new year ZOOM
2021. 01.

Notice of compliance with Code of Ethics for Chuseok Holiday

2020 October 'Check the self-purification system
September Notice of compliance with Code of Ethics for Chuseok Holiday
August Ethical management practice survey for employees
Ethical management practice survey for BP
June The Conduct of Ethical Pledge signed by all Employees
The Conduct of Ethics Management Workshop
The Conduct of Ethics Training Program for all Employees by Online
April Issuance of letter for ethical management practice
Establishment of the Ethical Management Guideline
Realization of One Strike Out system
Amendment of Code of Ethics, Informant Protection Regulation and reward and punishment rules
March Education on Code of Ethics and audit cases for Site Staff
February Notice of compliance with Code of Ethics for the lunar new year’s day
공감대 표 (연도, 월, 내용으로 구성)
Year Month Consensus
2019 March Amendment of 'Internal Auditing Regulation' and 'Informants Protection Regulations'
Enlargement of the organization in charge of Ethics Management (2 Teams under One Manager)
February Conduct of Ethical Pledge signed by all Employees
Notice of compliance with Code of Ethics for the lunar new year’s day
January Distribution of the Ethical Management Guideline, 2019 to all Executives and Team Leaders
2018 September Notice of compliance with Code of Ethics for Chuseok Holiday
Conduct of ethical management practice survey for all employees
August Ethical management practice survey for executives
July assessment of self-check system
Conduct of ethical management work shop
June The Conduct of Ethics Training Program for all Employees by Online
February Conduct of Ethical Pledge signed by all Employees
Notice of compliance with Code of Ethics for the lunar new year’s day
2017 November The Open of Internal Ethics Management Portal
September Ethical management practice survey for employees
The Conduct of Ethics Management Workshop
July The Conduct of Ethics Training Program for all Employees by Online
May Amendment of 'Internal Auditing Regulation' and Announcement to All Employees
February The Conduct of Ethical Pledge signed by all Employees
2016 October The Conduct of Ethics Management Workshop
August The Conduct of Ethics Training Program for all Employees by Online
July Ethical management practice survey for employees
April The Conduct of Compliance Training Program for Site Staff in Saudi Projects
March Enactment of Informant Protection Regulation and Revision of “Ethical Management Implementation Memorandum” for Business Partners
January The Conduct of Ethical Pledge signed by all Employees
2015 December Posting Contents of Anti-Corruption Compliance on Ethical Management Homepage
The Open of Anti-Corruption Compliance Blog (Establishment of Internal Whistleblowing System)
October Alignment of Compliance Organization in Each Biz. Division (Designation of Compliance Champions and Compliance Assistants)
August Revision of “Ethical Management Implementation Memorandum” for Business Partners
February The Allocation of Anti-Corruption Compliance News on Company Newsletter (Tongtong letter)
January The Conduct of Ethical Pledge signed by all Employees
2014 December The Enactment of Regulation for Observation of International Anti-Corruption Laws
October The Startup of Anti-Corruption Compliance Task Force
January The Conduct of Ethical Pledge signed by all Employees
2013 July The Publication and Notice of Ethical Management Practice FAQ for Leaders
April The 3rd Amendment of Code of Ethics
January The Conduct of Ethical Pledge signed by all Employees
2012 July Integration of Consulting & Reporting Online Channels in relation to Ethics Management of Each Affilated Companies under Holding Company
April The Conduct of Ethical Pledge signed by all Employees
2011 December Opened Internal Ethics Management Portal
October The Conduct of Voluctary Report Campaign about the Compliance Violation Cases
March The Conduct of Ethical Pledge signed by all Employees
January The Conduct of Ethical Pledge signed by all Employees
The 2nd Amendment of Code of Ethics
2010 December The Conduct of Ethics Training Program for all Employees by Online
October Quarterly performance assessment of self-check system
July The Conduct of Ethical Pledge signed by all Employees
공감대 표 (연도, 월, 내용으로 구성)
Year Month Consensus
2005 November The Publication & Distribution of English Version of Code of Ethics
2004 November The Conduct of Compliance Training Program for Site Staff in Saudi Projects
1999 September The 1st Amendment of Code of Ethics
1998 January The Enactment of Code of Ethics

Ethical Management Reporting and Counselling

We receive reports on unethical behavior that violates the company's Code of Ethics.

  • Business partners acceptance of valuables, graft, convenience, and such like from stakeholders.
  • Inappropriate use of company assets and information or exploitation of an unfair advantage.
  • Unethical behavior related to other stakeholders, etc.

※ For matters related to the aftersales services and sales of apartments/shopping malls, please contact our Customer Happiness Center or submit the details to the Customer Complaint Center. The ethical management Reporting and Counselling channel does not provide a separate response to these cases.

How to file a report

We operate an ethical management reporting and counselling channel so that not only our employees, but all our stakeholders can report unethical behavior. You can choose the most convenient method of reporting with either your real name or anonymously.

제보방법 테이블 (우편, 인터넷, 전화, 팩스, 이메일, 카카오톡)
By mail SK ecoplant (Gwanhoon Building) 32, Insadong 7-gil, Jongno-gu, Seoul
Phone 02-723-2010
Fax 02-3700-8370
Via E-mail
KakaoTalk 1:1 Openchat by searching ‘SK ecoplant’ or accessing through the QR code.

※ For ethical management reporting and counselling, please write in detail using the 5W1H method and attach the relevant evidence.

KakaoTalk QR code
제보방법 카카오톡 QR코드

Whistleblower Protection System

We have enacted the whistleblower protection regulations to ensure that those who report unethical behavior may do so in complete confidence that they will not suffer any disadvantages.
In particular, we are applying reinforced disciplinary standards to all acts of retaliation against or disadvantages inflicted on whistleblowers, and any acts that expose the identity of whistleblowers to others.

  • The identity of the informant and the contents of the report are kept strictly confidential.
  • There is no penalty for making a legitimate report.
  • In the event that a whistleblower is disadvantaged in retaliation against his or her reporting, they may request the Ethics Management Group for correction and protection.
  • Equal protection is provided to those who cooperate with an investigation by making statements or providing data in the process of verifying the facts of the report.
  • If a person who has participated in an unethical or illegal act voluntarily reports the facts thereof, the sanctions for the act may be reduced or repealed.


Code of Ethics

This is the highest-level regulation that stipulates ethical management practices in relationships with all stakeholders, including employees, customers, business partners, and society.

Code of Conduct for Ethical Management

As a member of SK ecoplant, we provide standards for correct behavior and judgment.

ESG Reporting SK ecoplant 2022 Sustainability Report