2022 |
September |
Distributing relevant cases of Subcontracting Act |
CEO MBWA : visit site of LSPC PJT and emphasize ‘Compliance’ |
Revise company regulations (Ethical Management & whistleblower protection) |
Conducting ‘compliance seminar’ |
Develope new menu for “CP HOT LINE(Online reporting platform to Compliance Officer’s) on intranet |
Education ‘Global compliance’ |
August |
Issuing regular newsletter (CP Letter), No.5 of 2022 |
Company-wide announcement of the video “Compliance Officer’s Message : encourage compliance” |
Education of CCP qualification course |
July |
Publish an special article about SKEP’s CP performance |
Conducting employee survey on CP operation |
Producing new CP Handbook : prohibition unfair Special Agreements |
CEO’s participation in the ‘Resolving inequality Agreement Ceremony’ and emphasize ‘Compliance’ |
Reorganize and expand Compliance Office (9 new members) |
June |
Counducting education on cases of compliance with Subcontracting Act (total 1,817 people completed) |
Conducting education on cases of Internal Trading (total 92 people completed) |
Issuing regular newsletter (CP Letter), No.4 of 2022 |
May |
Conducting education for member of the Compliance Office for each BU |
April |
Completion of ‘Statement of Oath for Fair Trade Compliance’ (96% consent rate) |
Conducting special training according to the results of inspection of subcontracting status in 2021 |
Completing the subcontract document inspection (12,895 cases) |
Issuing regular newsletter (CP Letter), No.3 of 2022 |
CEO MBWA : visit site of M15 PJT and emphasize ‘Compliance’ |
Signing a fair-trade agreement with Biz-Partners |
Education on the revised ‘Monopoly regulation and fair trade act’ |
March |
Appointing the Chief Compliance Officer through the board of directors’ resolution |
Issuing regular newsletter (CP Letter), No.2 of 2022 |
February |
Education on the revised ‘Fair transactions in subcontracting act (total 2,801 people completed) |
Operating KPI deduction system for violation of compliance |
Issuing regular newsletter (CP Letter), No.1 of 2022 |
January |
New employee Compliance Program training (total 63 people completed) |
Feedback completed according to the results of inspection of subcontracting in 2021 |